
a little library love

I'm reading Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior by Geoffrey Miller and wanted to give a quick shout out to public libraries across the world. Although I wish I could afford to have a room full of the words of the greats, the inspirational, the provocative, the rule breakers, and the story tellers of today. But alas, I work in advertising and can't afford much more than this computer and have given up on this dream for the time being. Instead, I'm in a committed relationship with my public library.

Im helplessly devoted to the pages of Spent and am intrigued by the study of how people are driven to acquire more and more even though research has clearly shown that stuff won't make us happy. Like many of the books I've borrowed over the last few years, I've already reserved the next read and I'm only about 90 pages into this one.

My curiosity drove me to look for some statistics about library cards: how many have one, who is most likely to, how often they are used, etc. I found a site that was helpful in answering these questions ( apologies for not looking longer for more recent). If you don't have one, go get one. I guarantee you'll find something you like ;)

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