
Monday Music

The Justin Bieber phenomenon continues... His video "Baby" has now passed Lady Gaga's Bad Romance as the #1 most viewed video on YouTube. Enjoy.


what bloggers can teach us...

Like many, I frequently visit a number of blogs relating to my profession looking to get my fill of relevant information. TIME recently shared their picks for "Best Blogs of 2010" and I have to say, I'm quite intrigued. This list of course, is entirely based on subjective information which is exactly what I love about blogging. Blogging is about expressing opinions and sharing ideas- whether it be about photography, random ruminations, hipsters, seeing the world, or unwinding. And what's even better, is that they can all be applied to what we understand about what people want.

( user submitted postcard to
The #2 blog, PostSecret is one of my personal favorites. PostSecret is a community art project where people from across the globe write a previously untold secret on one side of a homemade postcard. Some secrets are funny, some are hopeful, some are heartbreaking, some heal those who write them, and others heal those who identify with them. All are extremely insightful into the human experience. In a world of grey, where little is clearly right or wrong, people want honesty and to not feel they are the only one.

It's risky for anyone to be honest. As market researchers we battle this every time we sit down with someone we've just met. Yet, the most powerful conversations we have with people are those that happen in a space where the walls of personal disclosure have been broken down. These honest conversations that uncover the deepest fears, desires, and hopes we sometimes even keep from ourselves yield the best insights to work from. Its not always easy to connect with strangers and get to this space, but its what we strive to do with each and every person we meet.

This need for honesty also holds true for companies and brands. Just say the word marketing and see how people react. You may have someone look at you as though you've never said an honest word in your life. Consider for a moment how Toyota, Tiger and BP are perceived in the eyes of the public. A little empathy and honesty can go a long way.


Monday Music

"Cause I need freedom now, And I need to know how, To live my life as it's meant to be..."